16 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

Paix pour Paris

I'm not sure that I have the right words to write this post.  I've spent the past several hours combing through articles, images and videos describing the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday.

I can't begin to imagine the shock and heartache that the people of Paris and of France are feeling.  While the French people are experiencing significant pain, I'm feeling my own personal hurt regarding these attacks.  I began studying French when I was twelve years old and have since chosen to build my life around my passion for this culture.  I've studied French, I've lived in France, I've loved the people that I met while there.  I currently teach French, sharing everything I love about this country with students every single day.  Today I hurt for the beautiful country and the beautiful people who hold a special piece of my heart.

While you are reading this, I will be talking to my students about the terrible events of Friday.  In the hours I've spent looking through pictures and watching videos of reactions around the world, I've created lessons for this week that I hope are sensitive, informative, heartfelt and hopeful.

Having spent my energy and emotion figuring out how to present this to my students, I haven't written an outfit-related post for today.  If you happen to follow my little corner of the internet, I know that you come for a light-hearted chat about personal style, so I apologize for not having that conversation with you today.  I'll be back with another outfit in my next post but, for today, here are some of my favorite images of Paris that I've taken during a few of my trips to the City of Love and Light.  Paix pour Paris.

While I didn't have an outfit post ready for you today, I still want to see your posts!

Hosted by :
Carrie/A Lovely Little Wardrobe : Bloglovin/Facebook/Instagram
Whitney/Whitney à La Mode : Bloglovin/Instagram
Casey/A Little Bit of Cheer : Bloglovin/Facebook/Instagram

Each week we choose a favorite...check out Carrie and Casey's blogs to see if it's you! Here was my favorite this week:

I chose Onyinye of Modavracha's beautiful plaid and lace look!  Isn't this perfect for a holiday party?!

Now let's get linking! We like to keep things simple around here. Just link up your favorite posts--fashion, beauty, food, DIY, anything goes! Follow your hosts on social media, have fun and be inspired! Thanks for linking up!

A Lovely Little À La Mode Link Up
<a href="http://www.alittlebitofcheer.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc454/pianoprincessdesigns/button%20small_zpsujefyz2q.png~original" alt="A Lovely Little À La Mode Link Up" width="125" height="125" /></a>

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